Book Club Study Guide - Not A Leader ,Now A Leader


  • Did you enjoy the book? Why, or why not?

  • Do you consider yourself not a leader, or now a leader? What season of life are you in?

  • What were your expectations for this book? Did the book fulfill them?

  • Did you find the information in the book useful in your work as a family and/or professional leader?

  • Would you recommend this book to other readers? To your close friend? Why or why not?

Chapter 1: Journey

  • What is a story or experience in your life that leads you to want to change/improve something in this world?

Chapter 3 and 4: Confidence and Credentials

  • What do you lean on as your ‘credentials’ for creating success? Where do you find confidence in your leadership skills?

Chapter 5: People not like you

  • What does it mean to ‘not surround yourself with yourself’ in the context of leadership?

Chapter 7: Motivation

  • What is the difference between motivation and self-motivation? As a leader, can you coach others to be self-motivated?

Chapter 9: Stress

  • How do you deal with stress? The author talks about finding perspective, setting boundaries, and understanding the power of choosing your life/calendar. Did any of these resonate with you?

Chapter 13: Talent

  • What are your gifts and talents? How do you feel when you use them in your life?

Book Club Conclusion:

  • Would you like more wine?